26. Juli 2024:
Antirep Soliparty
16:00 Uhr

After our arrests in the process of squatting a new place, we will gather in the Post this friday 26 to offer you a day full of fight, food and culture in which you will have the chance to support us and future anti-repression causes in their economical collect.
Rather than just earning money for ourselves, our idea is to contribute to a solidarity chain by donating a part of the earnings to an anti-repression fund from which us and everybody that will be in need in the future for fighting the crazily repressive system we’re living in, can benefit.
Come join us in this event to celebrate the freedom and the right to housing while enjoying DIY shops, fanzines, live art, cabaret, workshops, open mic and much more!
16-17: Pole dance workshop
17-18: Open Mic
18-19: Las Bitxas (conzi)
19: KÜFA
19’30-20’30: El Furgaments (conzi)
20’30-21’45: Zirkus Kabaret
22-4: DJ Set